Pictures and more Pictures - Current construction progress - Now we're getting started!

by CannerGrow
Posted on April 8, 2021 03:00

Dear Cannerald & CannerGrow Community, 🌱

you want more pictures of the current construction progress of our unique Cannerald state-of-the-art facility near Bern? No problem!
First of all, we would like to congratulate every customer and sales partner who has remained loyal to us - previously we were only in the warming-up stage - now we're starting off together!

Before that, a very important text:
In less than a year, we expanded the area of our company from just under 1500m² to over 8500m² - an almost six-fold increase of our company area!

As it has often been explained in webinars, videos or by our sales managers, the planning phase always takes the longest time of the process - why? We attach great importance to longevity and unique premium quality, even if we understand, of course, that you as a customer would like to see everything move forward as quickly as possible.

We as a company see our duty of care to plan everything super carefully, to bring about changes if this improves the building concept again, can increase quality and thus stands for a long-term and sustainability of the company.
Unfortunately, we were unable to show you much of the planning phase and construction plans in the past. A main reason that we hadn't shown much of the planning phase was protecting our company and the CannerGrow project against the competition - we want to protect our unique CannerGrow project and our customers as well as ourselves as a company.

As you may have noticed, there are now some companies that have completely copied our concept and want to imitate it, we are not angry with the other companies, this is just another confirmation for you as a customer as well as for us as a company that we as pioneers with this concept we were right on target, our innovative concept is a complete success.
In addition, we can distinguish ourselves from other companies not only as pioneers, but also through our unique premium quality, complete focus on GMP and the pharmaceutical market.

As already mentioned by Levin Amweg (Co-Founder) in a previous video, the construction costs in Q1 2021 alone were just under 10 million francs (click here - only available in german) - within just 3 months!
The plants at CannerGrow are strictly limited, we only sell the number of plants that we can grow in our facility with the highest premium quality - class and premium instead of mass production.
Through a community survey 2020 (click here) we’ve let you as a community decide the further path of Cannerald and CannerGrow regarding our location. 96.31% of you voted for the location in Switzerland - we then directly stopped locations plannings in other countries and expanded in Switzerland.

Furthermore, we would like to make it clear to you once again that we are a community project. In contrast to other companies, this is one of our corporate principles.
Do you want another example of this? No problem - just watch this video (click - only available in german).
We are foregoing any profits from our company and want to make it clear to you once again that we mean the words “community” and “each other” seriously.

Distribution of the harvest:
The customer (plant owner) receives 50% of the harvest after deducting the additional costs.
The affiliates receive 20% of the harvest, from plants in their team = 20% of 50% = 10% total.
This 10% total will be deducted from Cannerald's harvest share.
Cannerald thus receives 40% of the harvest after deducting the ancillary costs.

We as a company have made the decision to forego profits in the Foxtrot and Golf rooms for 2 complete grows, because the start of the rooms has been delayed - even if we are not responsible for the delay, we take full responsibility.
We pass our harvest share (40%) on to our customers.
The income from the purchase of plants from our customers is used for planning and construction costs. We want to show you once again that you, the community, are our top priority.

How does CannerGrow work?
As a customer, you can buy plants from CannerGrow that are grown for you. Due to the selling price of the plant, Cannerald builds the rooms with the best quality and geared towards long-term and GMP for pharmaceutical production.
After every grow, Cannerald replaces the plant that was harvested with a new plant, over and over again - as long as the company exists.
Cannerald started the project in order to be able to expand faster, to gradually spread more knowledge about cannabis and the benefits of the plant in Europe, so that cannabis is more accepted and thus more people can be helped with it.
Another point is of course that Cannerald wants to make a profit as a commercial company, this is done through income from the shop and the harvest share that Cannerald gets from each plant.

We don't cover up anything, of course there were delays in the room starts here and there, delays between a harvest and the following grow start - why? In the current situations caused by construction companies, corona-related and delivery delays.
In the basement there was renovation work in the rooms, which we clearly communicated, because we are aligning everything to quality and long-termism and the Alpha and Bravo rooms were not initially geared to GMP and the Charlie, Delta and Echo rooms were retrofitted again for optimization reasons.
However, if a room is running, it will run continuously and for a long time.

We would also like to note again that during the first grows in the rooms, everything technical is gradually adjusted, coordinated and optimized - please be patient.
We align everything to long-term, sustainability and premium quality, if your main focus and reason for decision does not meet these criteria and you see it as a reason for rejection if the start of a room could be delayed and it takes a few grows before we reach our target grow values reach, Cannerald is not the correct company for you.
We are about community, we want to address each of our customers - we are a physical giant project and are faced with tasks every day that you cannot even imagine.
We work with over 30 companies, we make over a hundred phone calls every day to implement everything at maximum speed with the best possible quality and long-term for all of us, you as a customer and also for us as a company.

Now enough written let’s go on to the pictures which we want to show you about the current construction progress:

Building, New Office Entry, Office Area, Lobby, Meeting Room and Event Room (still in progress):

First Floor Part 1:
Area for GMP clean rooms - Trimming (CBD Trimming and THC Trimming seperated), Laboratory, Packaging Level 1 & Level 2 and Storage

Overview of First Floor Part 1 from the front side:

Room 1:

Room 2:

View on the Lift which you know from previous videos on YouTube:

Room 3:

Room 4:

Room 5:

Area for XXL Dry Rooms:

Overview of First Floor Part 1 from the back side - on the right side will be 4 XXL four-storied Grow Rooms:

Overview of First Floor Part 2 from the front side - XXL Dry Rooms, XXL Vegetation Room, Storage Rooms, XXL Hygiene ventilation Room:

Overview of First Floor Part 2 from the middle pointing to the lift which is going up to Second Floor:

Overview of First Floor Part 2 from the back side:

Overview of Second Floor Part 1 pointing to the lift which you know from Youtube videos - XXL Motherplant Room, XXL Baby Room, XXL Vegetation Rooms, XXL Destemming Room, XXL Dry Room, XXL Hygiene ventilation Room, Storage Rooms:

Overview of Second Floor Part 1 pointing away from the lift which you know from Youtube videos:

Area besides the lift:

Going into Second Floor Part 2 from the front side:

Second Floor Part 2 from the front side:

Second Floor Part 2 from the back side:

Impressions from our Cultivation of the Ground Floor (incl. old office area):

Your Cannerald & CannerGrow team.
