New information on the upcoming Starts of the Grow Rooms from Room Hotel up to Room Papa

by CannerGrow
Posted on November 8, 2021 17:00

Dear Cannerald & CannerGrow Community, 🌱

as already announced in our Telegram-News-Channel you will now receive the latest information from this week's construction meeting from Wednesday about the start of the next grow rooms.
We ask you to share this with all of your customers, partners & team members, any support inquiries on this topic will be referred to this blog article - here you can find all information on the topic of "Start of the upcoming grow rooms".
As soon as we have new information, we will inform you immediately in our Telegram-News-Channel.

It is about the start of the following 8 grow rooms:
1) Hotel
2) India
3) Juliet
4) Kilo
5) Lima
6) November
7) Oscar
8) Papa

Room Mike:
Room "Mike" will start at the very end as soon as the entire facility in Fraubrunnen has been completed with its construction - all 1-star and 2-star plants will be moved into this room.

Blog posts which you should definitely read through, either now or afterwards, if you haven't already done so:
1: Blog post (April 8, 2021) Pictures and more Pictures - Current construction progress - Now we're getting started!
2: Blog post (June 19, 2021) Cannerald Update June 2021 - new video tour and more

Since our support team and large sales partners are often being asked why we did not provide any information or updates about the rooms and when they’re starting, we have done it. As soon as we receive new information, we will notify you immediately - see the two newsletters from the past below.
As mentioned above, it therefore makes no sense to ask support whether there are updates about the starts of the rooms, as soon as we have new information, we share it with you directly and transparently and everything is always available here based on the latest information:

πŸ‘‰ Current status of the rooms (click)

Regarding the Rooms Hotel & India, 2 newsletters have already been sent out, one 4-5 months ago, the other 5-6 weeks ago.
πŸ‘‰ Newsletter from 4-5 months ago
πŸ‘‰ Newsletter from 5-6 weeks ago 
Also 5-6 weeks ago a newsletter (identical to the second from Hotel & India) was sent to all customers from the following rooms: Hotel, India, Juliet & Kilo
πŸ‘‰ Newsletter from 5-6 weeks ago

Important on the topic of newsletters and the frequently asked question "Why am I not receiving any information via email":
1. You have to activate the newsletter in the backoffice in the settings (click) under "Notifications" - otherwise we are not allowed to send you anything (data protection) and you will not receive any important Information.
2. With the providers "web", "gmx", "yahoo" and "hotmail" emails often do not arrive due to the provider and we are powerless here.
If you have an email address with the above-mentioned providers, please change your email address to a Gmail/Googlemail email address if you do not want to miss any information.
Here you can create a Gmail/Googlemail email address free of charge (click).
3. You can then easily change your email address here (click).
4. Afterwards you will receive a confirmation link to your currently listed email, you have to click this briefly and then your email address is changed directly.

Let's start with the new information about the upcoming grow starts of the rooms: Hotel, India & Juliet

Little addition:
There will of course be the already promised one whole grow (minus additional costs) for the first grow of Hotel and India, in which Cannerald will give his share of the harvest to customers.

Now it continues with the new information about the start of the grow rooms: Kilo, Lima, November, Oscar and Papa

1) Letter from our architectural office
2) Development of heavy current

Your Cannerald & CannerGrow team 🌱
