CannerGrow End of the Plant Sale: Last Grow Room Zeus released for Plant Purchase
Dear Cannerald and CannerGrow Community,
all plants from grow room Hestia, the second last grow room of Cannerald, are almost sold out.
The last grow room which goes on sale at our second location, our production in Solothurn, is growroom Zeus.
For this reason we have a very important video for you today.
How will the story of CannerGrow continue?
Will there be another facility or more grow rooms at a new location with a smooth transition after the sale of the last grow room, grow room Zeus?
Is grow room Zeus the last grow room in which you can purchase plants and then never again?
All information about that will be explained in this three and a half minute video:
Extremely important information:
1. Please don't forget that you need at least one plant to get a harvest bonus (residual) from your team. Without a plant, you don't get any harvest bonus (residual) from your team, even if you have 100+ plants in your team.
2. The CannerGrow plant sale will be discontinued, but the CannerGrow Community Marketplace will remain active. In order to buy plants in the marketplace, you need at least one plant.
The same applies to the purchase of plants via private transfer.
3. We will only consider planning a third Cannerald facility once THC cannabis for the pharmaceutical sector is being cultivated at full capacity in both of our two locations.
If we sell grow rooms in a third facility after 2-3 years, the plant price will be at least 3.000€ - 3.500€ per plant.
Your Cannerald and CannerGrow Team 🌱